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My Neophilia

Domingo, 17.06.12

Pierce The Veil - Collide With The Sky - 2012

Post-Hardcore / Screamo

01. May These Noises Startle You in Your Sleep
02. Hell Above
03. A Match Into Water
04. King for a Day
05. Bulls in the Bronx
06. Props & Mayhem
07. Tangled In The Great Escape
08. I’m Low On Gas and You Need a Jacket
09. The First Punch
10. One Hundred Sleepless Nights
11. Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears
12. Hold On Till May

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Pierce The Veil - Collide With The Sky - 2012

Post-Hardcore / Screamo

01. May These Noises Startle You in Your Sleep
02. Hell Above
03. A Match Into Water
04. King for a Day
05. Bulls in the Bronx
06. Props & Mayhem
07. Tangled In The Great Escape
08. I’m Low On Gas and You Need a Jacket
09. The First Punch
10. One Hundred Sleepless Nights
11. Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears
12. Hold On Till May

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Pierce The Veil - Collide With The Sky - 2012

Post-Hardcore / Screamo

01. May These Noises Startle You in Your Sleep
02. Hell Above
03. A Match Into Water
04. King for a Day
05. Bulls in the Bronx
06. Props & Mayhem
07. Tangled In The Great Escape
08. I’m Low On Gas and You Need a Jacket
09. The First Punch
10. One Hundred Sleepless Nights
11. Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears
12. Hold On Till May

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Pierce The Veil - Collide With The Sky - 2012

Post-Hardcore / Screamo

01. May These Noises Startle You in Your Sleep
02. Hell Above
03. A Match Into Water
04. King for a Day
05. Bulls in the Bronx
06. Props & Mayhem
07. Tangled In The Great Escape
08. I’m Low On Gas and You Need a Jacket
09. The First Punch
10. One Hundred Sleepless Nights
11. Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears
12. Hold On Till May

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Pierce The Veil - Collide With The Sky - 2012

Post-Hardcore / Screamo

01. May These Noises Startle You in Your Sleep
02. Hell Above
03. A Match Into Water
04. King for a Day
05. Bulls in the Bronx
06. Props & Mayhem
07. Tangled In The Great Escape
08. I’m Low On Gas and You Need a Jacket
09. The First Punch
10. One Hundred Sleepless Nights
11. Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears
12. Hold On Till May

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Pierce The Veil - Collide With The Sky - 2012

Post-Hardcore / Screamo

01. May These Noises Startle You in Your Sleep
02. Hell Above
03. A Match Into Water
04. King for a Day
05. Bulls in the Bronx
06. Props & Mayhem
07. Tangled In The Great Escape
08. I’m Low On Gas and You Need a Jacket
09. The First Punch
10. One Hundred Sleepless Nights
11. Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears
12. Hold On Till May

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Pierce The Veil - Collide With The Sky - 2012

Post-Hardcore / Screamo

01. May These Noises Startle You in Your Sleep
02. Hell Above
03. A Match Into Water
04. King for a Day
05. Bulls in the Bronx
06. Props & Mayhem
07. Tangled In The Great Escape
08. I’m Low On Gas and You Need a Jacket
09. The First Punch
10. One Hundred Sleepless Nights
11. Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears
12. Hold On Till May

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Pierce The Veil - Collide With The Sky - 2012

Post-Hardcore / Screamo

01. May These Noises Startle You in Your Sleep
02. Hell Above
03. A Match Into Water
04. King for a Day
05. Bulls in the Bronx
06. Props & Mayhem
07. Tangled In The Great Escape
08. I’m Low On Gas and You Need a Jacket
09. The First Punch
10. One Hundred Sleepless Nights
11. Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears
12. Hold On Till May

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Make Do And Mend - Everything You Ever Loved - 2012

Alternative / Punk / Rock

01. Blur
02. Disassemble
03. Count
04. St. Anne
05. Stay In The Sun
06. Royal
07. Drown In It
08. Lucky
09. Hide Away
10. Storrow
11. Desert Lily

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Make Do And Mend - Everything You Ever Loved - 2012

Alternative / Punk / Rock

01. Blur
02. Disassemble
03. Count
04. St. Anne
05. Stay In The Sun
06. Royal
07. Drown In It
08. Lucky
09. Hide Away
10. Storrow
11. Desert Lily

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Make Do And Mend - Everything You Ever Loved - 2012

Alternative / Punk / Rock

01. Blur
02. Disassemble
03. Count
04. St. Anne
05. Stay In The Sun
06. Royal
07. Drown In It
08. Lucky
09. Hide Away
10. Storrow
11. Desert Lily

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Make Do And Mend - Everything You Ever Loved - 2012

Alternative / Punk / Rock

01. Blur
02. Disassemble
03. Count
04. St. Anne
05. Stay In The Sun
06. Royal
07. Drown In It
08. Lucky
09. Hide Away
10. Storrow
11. Desert Lily

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Make Do And Mend - Everything You Ever Loved - 2012

Alternative / Punk / Rock

01. Blur
02. Disassemble
03. Count
04. St. Anne
05. Stay In The Sun
06. Royal
07. Drown In It
08. Lucky
09. Hide Away
10. Storrow
11. Desert Lily

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Make Do And Mend - Everything You Ever Loved - 2012

Alternative / Punk / Rock

01. Blur
02. Disassemble
03. Count
04. St. Anne
05. Stay In The Sun
06. Royal
07. Drown In It
08. Lucky
09. Hide Away
10. Storrow
11. Desert Lily

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Make Do And Mend - Everything You Ever Loved - 2012

Alternative / Punk / Rock

01. Blur
02. Disassemble
03. Count
04. St. Anne
05. Stay In The Sun
06. Royal
07. Drown In It
08. Lucky
09. Hide Away
10. Storrow
11. Desert Lily

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Make Do And Mend - Everything You Ever Loved - 2012

Alternative / Punk / Rock

01. Blur
02. Disassemble
03. Count
04. St. Anne
05. Stay In The Sun
06. Royal
07. Drown In It
08. Lucky
09. Hide Away
10. Storrow
11. Desert Lily

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Marrow - The Sea Of​.​.​. - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Miasma
02. Desult
03. Water.Liver.Fire
04. Water.Liver.Fire II
05. Last Words
06. Sundry
07. To the Lighthouse
08. Allotment
09. Someday We Will Die So That Others May Be Free

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Marrow - The Sea Of​.​.​. - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Miasma
02. Desult
03. Water.Liver.Fire
04. Water.Liver.Fire II
05. Last Words
06. Sundry
07. To the Lighthouse
08. Allotment
09. Someday We Will Die So That Others May Be Free

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Marrow - The Sea Of​.​.​. - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Miasma
02. Desult
03. Water.Liver.Fire
04. Water.Liver.Fire II
05. Last Words
06. Sundry
07. To the Lighthouse
08. Allotment
09. Someday We Will Die So That Others May Be Free

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Marrow - The Sea Of​.​.​. - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Miasma
02. Desult
03. Water.Liver.Fire
04. Water.Liver.Fire II
05. Last Words
06. Sundry
07. To the Lighthouse
08. Allotment
09. Someday We Will Die So That Others May Be Free

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Marrow - The Sea Of​.​.​. - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Miasma
02. Desult
03. Water.Liver.Fire
04. Water.Liver.Fire II
05. Last Words
06. Sundry
07. To the Lighthouse
08. Allotment
09. Someday We Will Die So That Others May Be Free

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Marrow - The Sea Of​.​.​. - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Miasma
02. Desult
03. Water.Liver.Fire
04. Water.Liver.Fire II
05. Last Words
06. Sundry
07. To the Lighthouse
08. Allotment
09. Someday We Will Die So That Others May Be Free

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Marrow - The Sea Of​.​.​. - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Miasma
02. Desult
03. Water.Liver.Fire
04. Water.Liver.Fire II
05. Last Words
06. Sundry
07. To the Lighthouse
08. Allotment
09. Someday We Will Die So That Others May Be Free

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Marrow - The Sea Of​.​.​. - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Miasma
02. Desult
03. Water.Liver.Fire
04. Water.Liver.Fire II
05. Last Words
06. Sundry
07. To the Lighthouse
08. Allotment
09. Someday We Will Die So That Others May Be Free

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Bermuda - The Wandering - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Intuitions
02. Process of Drowning
03. Invictus, Unconquered
04. In Trenches
05. Lost at Sea
06. Sachael
07. Gamorrah Reborn
08. Lagrange Pointe
09. The Wandering
10. Polaris Breach
11. Obstruction

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Bermuda - The Wandering - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Intuitions
02. Process of Drowning
03. Invictus, Unconquered
04. In Trenches
05. Lost at Sea
06. Sachael
07. Gamorrah Reborn
08. Lagrange Pointe
09. The Wandering
10. Polaris Breach
11. Obstruction

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Bermuda - The Wandering - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Intuitions
02. Process of Drowning
03. Invictus, Unconquered
04. In Trenches
05. Lost at Sea
06. Sachael
07. Gamorrah Reborn
08. Lagrange Pointe
09. The Wandering
10. Polaris Breach
11. Obstruction

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Bermuda - The Wandering - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Intuitions
02. Process of Drowning
03. Invictus, Unconquered
04. In Trenches
05. Lost at Sea
06. Sachael
07. Gamorrah Reborn
08. Lagrange Pointe
09. The Wandering
10. Polaris Breach
11. Obstruction

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Bermuda - The Wandering - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Intuitions
02. Process of Drowning
03. Invictus, Unconquered
04. In Trenches
05. Lost at Sea
06. Sachael
07. Gamorrah Reborn
08. Lagrange Pointe
09. The Wandering
10. Polaris Breach
11. Obstruction

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Bermuda - The Wandering - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Intuitions
02. Process of Drowning
03. Invictus, Unconquered
04. In Trenches
05. Lost at Sea
06. Sachael
07. Gamorrah Reborn
08. Lagrange Pointe
09. The Wandering
10. Polaris Breach
11. Obstruction

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Bermuda - The Wandering - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Intuitions
02. Process of Drowning
03. Invictus, Unconquered
04. In Trenches
05. Lost at Sea
06. Sachael
07. Gamorrah Reborn
08. Lagrange Pointe
09. The Wandering
10. Polaris Breach
11. Obstruction

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Bermuda - The Wandering - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Intuitions
02. Process of Drowning
03. Invictus, Unconquered
04. In Trenches
05. Lost at Sea
06. Sachael
07. Gamorrah Reborn
08. Lagrange Pointe
09. The Wandering
10. Polaris Breach
11. Obstruction

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


Domingo, 17.06.12

Circle 7 - In Between - 2012

Alternative / Metal / Rock

01. Dare
02. Rebel Soul
03. Whore
04. Care
05. Free
06. Chasing Bullets
07. In between
08. Vermin
09. Army
10. Drain
11. Bury me

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Circle 7 - In Between - 2012

Alternative / Metal / Rock

01. Dare
02. Rebel Soul
03. Whore
04. Care
05. Free
06. Chasing Bullets
07. In between
08. Vermin
09. Army
10. Drain
11. Bury me

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Circle 7 - In Between - 2012

Alternative / Metal / Rock

01. Dare
02. Rebel Soul
03. Whore
04. Care
05. Free
06. Chasing Bullets
07. In between
08. Vermin
09. Army
10. Drain
11. Bury me

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Circle 7 - In Between - 2012

Alternative / Metal / Rock

01. Dare
02. Rebel Soul
03. Whore
04. Care
05. Free
06. Chasing Bullets
07. In between
08. Vermin
09. Army
10. Drain
11. Bury me

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Circle 7 - In Between - 2012

Alternative / Metal / Rock

01. Dare
02. Rebel Soul
03. Whore
04. Care
05. Free
06. Chasing Bullets
07. In between
08. Vermin
09. Army
10. Drain
11. Bury me

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Circle 7 - In Between - 2012

Alternative / Metal / Rock

01. Dare
02. Rebel Soul
03. Whore
04. Care
05. Free
06. Chasing Bullets
07. In between
08. Vermin
09. Army
10. Drain
11. Bury me

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Circle 7 - In Between - 2012

Alternative / Metal / Rock

01. Dare
02. Rebel Soul
03. Whore
04. Care
05. Free
06. Chasing Bullets
07. In between
08. Vermin
09. Army
10. Drain
11. Bury me

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Circle 7 - In Between - 2012

Alternative / Metal / Rock

01. Dare
02. Rebel Soul
03. Whore
04. Care
05. Free
06. Chasing Bullets
07. In between
08. Vermin
09. Army
10. Drain
11. Bury me

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Wearing The Inside Out - Part One EP - 2012

Alternative / Pop / Rock

01. Come With Me
02. Hollow
03. Lives of the Broken
04. Control It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Wearing The Inside Out - Part One EP - 2012

Alternative / Pop / Rock

01. Come With Me
02. Hollow
03. Lives of the Broken
04. Control It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Wearing The Inside Out - Part One EP - 2012

Alternative / Pop / Rock

01. Come With Me
02. Hollow
03. Lives of the Broken
04. Control It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Wearing The Inside Out - Part One EP - 2012

Alternative / Pop / Rock

01. Come With Me
02. Hollow
03. Lives of the Broken
04. Control It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Wearing The Inside Out - Part One EP - 2012

Alternative / Pop / Rock

01. Come With Me
02. Hollow
03. Lives of the Broken
04. Control It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Wearing The Inside Out - Part One EP - 2012

Alternative / Pop / Rock

01. Come With Me
02. Hollow
03. Lives of the Broken
04. Control It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Wearing The Inside Out - Part One EP - 2012

Alternative / Pop / Rock

01. Come With Me
02. Hollow
03. Lives of the Broken
04. Control It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Wearing The Inside Out - Part One EP - 2012

Alternative / Pop / Rock

01. Come With Me
02. Hollow
03. Lives of the Broken
04. Control It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Ben Cantelon - Everything In Color - 2012

Pop / Rock

01. Everything In Color
02. New Day
03. Guardian
04. Saviour Of The World
05. My Deliverer
06. Be Exalted
07. Lord Strong And Mighty
08. Love Came Down
09. Through The Cross
10. Worth It All
11. Love Divine (Purify)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Ben Cantelon - Everything In Color - 2012

Pop / Rock

01. Everything In Color
02. New Day
03. Guardian
04. Saviour Of The World
05. My Deliverer
06. Be Exalted
07. Lord Strong And Mighty
08. Love Came Down
09. Through The Cross
10. Worth It All
11. Love Divine (Purify)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Ben Cantelon - Everything In Color - 2012

Pop / Rock

01. Everything In Color
02. New Day
03. Guardian
04. Saviour Of The World
05. My Deliverer
06. Be Exalted
07. Lord Strong And Mighty
08. Love Came Down
09. Through The Cross
10. Worth It All
11. Love Divine (Purify)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Ben Cantelon - Everything In Color - 2012

Pop / Rock

01. Everything In Color
02. New Day
03. Guardian
04. Saviour Of The World
05. My Deliverer
06. Be Exalted
07. Lord Strong And Mighty
08. Love Came Down
09. Through The Cross
10. Worth It All
11. Love Divine (Purify)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Ben Cantelon - Everything In Color - 2012

Pop / Rock

01. Everything In Color
02. New Day
03. Guardian
04. Saviour Of The World
05. My Deliverer
06. Be Exalted
07. Lord Strong And Mighty
08. Love Came Down
09. Through The Cross
10. Worth It All
11. Love Divine (Purify)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Ben Cantelon - Everything In Color - 2012

Pop / Rock

01. Everything In Color
02. New Day
03. Guardian
04. Saviour Of The World
05. My Deliverer
06. Be Exalted
07. Lord Strong And Mighty
08. Love Came Down
09. Through The Cross
10. Worth It All
11. Love Divine (Purify)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Ben Cantelon - Everything In Color - 2012

Pop / Rock

01. Everything In Color
02. New Day
03. Guardian
04. Saviour Of The World
05. My Deliverer
06. Be Exalted
07. Lord Strong And Mighty
08. Love Came Down
09. Through The Cross
10. Worth It All
11. Love Divine (Purify)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Ben Cantelon - Everything In Color - 2012

Pop / Rock

01. Everything In Color
02. New Day
03. Guardian
04. Saviour Of The World
05. My Deliverer
06. Be Exalted
07. Lord Strong And Mighty
08. Love Came Down
09. Through The Cross
10. Worth It All
11. Love Divine (Purify)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

3 Pill Morning - Black Tie Love Affair - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Rain
02. Skin
03. Nothing's Real
04. Loser
05. I Want That For You
06. So Good to Leave
07. Take Control
08. Daddy's Little Girl
09. Revolution
10. Drive By Lies

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

3 Pill Morning - Black Tie Love Affair - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Rain
02. Skin
03. Nothing's Real
04. Loser
05. I Want That For You
06. So Good to Leave
07. Take Control
08. Daddy's Little Girl
09. Revolution
10. Drive By Lies

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

3 Pill Morning - Black Tie Love Affair - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Rain
02. Skin
03. Nothing's Real
04. Loser
05. I Want That For You
06. So Good to Leave
07. Take Control
08. Daddy's Little Girl
09. Revolution
10. Drive By Lies

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

3 Pill Morning - Black Tie Love Affair - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Rain
02. Skin
03. Nothing's Real
04. Loser
05. I Want That For You
06. So Good to Leave
07. Take Control
08. Daddy's Little Girl
09. Revolution
10. Drive By Lies

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

3 Pill Morning - Black Tie Love Affair - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Rain
02. Skin
03. Nothing's Real
04. Loser
05. I Want That For You
06. So Good to Leave
07. Take Control
08. Daddy's Little Girl
09. Revolution
10. Drive By Lies

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

3 Pill Morning - Black Tie Love Affair - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Rain
02. Skin
03. Nothing's Real
04. Loser
05. I Want That For You
06. So Good to Leave
07. Take Control
08. Daddy's Little Girl
09. Revolution
10. Drive By Lies

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

3 Pill Morning - Black Tie Love Affair - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Rain
02. Skin
03. Nothing's Real
04. Loser
05. I Want That For You
06. So Good to Leave
07. Take Control
08. Daddy's Little Girl
09. Revolution
10. Drive By Lies

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

3 Pill Morning - Black Tie Love Affair - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Rain
02. Skin
03. Nothing's Real
04. Loser
05. I Want That For You
06. So Good to Leave
07. Take Control
08. Daddy's Little Girl
09. Revolution
10. Drive By Lies

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

The Dry Mouths - Moons True Delay Lenght Wah Foo Era - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. All This I Know
02. Cow Jet Hash
03. Thyrom, the Bolsom
04. So Most Gentle The Bee End
05. Do Roll The Moey Era
06. Mad Call Is There
07. Phiriasis
09. Undo Mask Undo
10. Elephant
11. Outromental II

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

The Dry Mouths - Moons True Delay Lenght Wah Foo Era - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. All This I Know
02. Cow Jet Hash
03. Thyrom, the Bolsom
04. So Most Gentle The Bee End
05. Do Roll The Moey Era
06. Mad Call Is There
07. Phiriasis
09. Undo Mask Undo
10. Elephant
11. Outromental II

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

The Dry Mouths - Moons True Delay Lenght Wah Foo Era - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. All This I Know
02. Cow Jet Hash
03. Thyrom, the Bolsom
04. So Most Gentle The Bee End
05. Do Roll The Moey Era
06. Mad Call Is There
07. Phiriasis
09. Undo Mask Undo
10. Elephant
11. Outromental II

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

The Dry Mouths - Moons True Delay Lenght Wah Foo Era - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. All This I Know
02. Cow Jet Hash
03. Thyrom, the Bolsom
04. So Most Gentle The Bee End
05. Do Roll The Moey Era
06. Mad Call Is There
07. Phiriasis
09. Undo Mask Undo
10. Elephant
11. Outromental II

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

The Dry Mouths - Moons True Delay Lenght Wah Foo Era - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. All This I Know
02. Cow Jet Hash
03. Thyrom, the Bolsom
04. So Most Gentle The Bee End
05. Do Roll The Moey Era
06. Mad Call Is There
07. Phiriasis
09. Undo Mask Undo
10. Elephant
11. Outromental II

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

The Dry Mouths - Moons True Delay Lenght Wah Foo Era - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. All This I Know
02. Cow Jet Hash
03. Thyrom, the Bolsom
04. So Most Gentle The Bee End
05. Do Roll The Moey Era
06. Mad Call Is There
07. Phiriasis
09. Undo Mask Undo
10. Elephant
11. Outromental II

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

The Dry Mouths - Moons True Delay Lenght Wah Foo Era - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. All This I Know
02. Cow Jet Hash
03. Thyrom, the Bolsom
04. So Most Gentle The Bee End
05. Do Roll The Moey Era
06. Mad Call Is There
07. Phiriasis
09. Undo Mask Undo
10. Elephant
11. Outromental II

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

The Dry Mouths - Moons True Delay Lenght Wah Foo Era - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. All This I Know
02. Cow Jet Hash
03. Thyrom, the Bolsom
04. So Most Gentle The Bee End
05. Do Roll The Moey Era
06. Mad Call Is There
07. Phiriasis
09. Undo Mask Undo
10. Elephant
11. Outromental II

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

CounterMeasure - This World Is Yours EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Charcoal Burners
02. Mise en Scene
03. The Struggle
04. Back At It
05. Extradition

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

CounterMeasure - This World Is Yours EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Charcoal Burners
02. Mise en Scene
03. The Struggle
04. Back At It
05. Extradition

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

CounterMeasure - This World Is Yours EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Charcoal Burners
02. Mise en Scene
03. The Struggle
04. Back At It
05. Extradition

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

CounterMeasure - This World Is Yours EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Charcoal Burners
02. Mise en Scene
03. The Struggle
04. Back At It
05. Extradition

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

CounterMeasure - This World Is Yours EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Charcoal Burners
02. Mise en Scene
03. The Struggle
04. Back At It
05. Extradition

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

CounterMeasure - This World Is Yours EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Charcoal Burners
02. Mise en Scene
03. The Struggle
04. Back At It
05. Extradition

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

CounterMeasure - This World Is Yours EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Charcoal Burners
02. Mise en Scene
03. The Struggle
04. Back At It
05. Extradition

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

CounterMeasure - This World Is Yours EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Charcoal Burners
02. Mise en Scene
03. The Struggle
04. Back At It
05. Extradition

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Advocates - Mindless EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Mindless
02. Kings
03. The Viking
04. Grizzly Adams
05. Giants
06. Deadweight

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Advocates - Mindless EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Mindless
02. Kings
03. The Viking
04. Grizzly Adams
05. Giants
06. Deadweight

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Advocates - Mindless EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Mindless
02. Kings
03. The Viking
04. Grizzly Adams
05. Giants
06. Deadweight

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Advocates - Mindless EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Mindless
02. Kings
03. The Viking
04. Grizzly Adams
05. Giants
06. Deadweight

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Advocates - Mindless EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Mindless
02. Kings
03. The Viking
04. Grizzly Adams
05. Giants
06. Deadweight

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Advocates - Mindless EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Mindless
02. Kings
03. The Viking
04. Grizzly Adams
05. Giants
06. Deadweight

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Advocates - Mindless EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Mindless
02. Kings
03. The Viking
04. Grizzly Adams
05. Giants
06. Deadweight

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

Advocates - Mindless EP - 2012

Hardcore / Metal

01. Mindless
02. Kings
03. The Viking
04. Grizzly Adams
05. Giants
06. Deadweight

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

404notFound - Start Line (Single) - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Start Line
02. Resolve
03. Start Line (Vocal less ver.)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

404notFound - Start Line (Single) - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Start Line
02. Resolve
03. Start Line (Vocal less ver.)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

404notFound - Start Line (Single) - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Start Line
02. Resolve
03. Start Line (Vocal less ver.)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

404notFound - Start Line (Single) - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Start Line
02. Resolve
03. Start Line (Vocal less ver.)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

404notFound - Start Line (Single) - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Start Line
02. Resolve
03. Start Line (Vocal less ver.)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

404notFound - Start Line (Single) - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Start Line
02. Resolve
03. Start Line (Vocal less ver.)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

404notFound - Start Line (Single) - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Start Line
02. Resolve
03. Start Line (Vocal less ver.)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 17.06.12

404notFound - Start Line (Single) - 2012

Alternative / Rock

01. Start Line
02. Resolve
03. Start Line (Vocal less ver.)

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)


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Junho 2012


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