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My Neophilia

Domingo, 15.07.12

Family Of The Year - Loma Vista - 2012

Folk / Indie / Rock

01. The Stairs
02. Diversity
03. St. Croix
04. Buried
05. Hero
06. Everytime
07. Living On Love
08. Hey Ma
09. In The End
10. Never Enough
11. Find It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 15.07.12

Family Of The Year - Loma Vista - 2012

Folk / Indie / Rock

01. The Stairs
02. Diversity
03. St. Croix
04. Buried
05. Hero
06. Everytime
07. Living On Love
08. Hey Ma
09. In The End
10. Never Enough
11. Find It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 15.07.12

Family Of The Year - Loma Vista - 2012

Folk / Indie / Rock

01. The Stairs
02. Diversity
03. St. Croix
04. Buried
05. Hero
06. Everytime
07. Living On Love
08. Hey Ma
09. In The End
10. Never Enough
11. Find It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 15.07.12

Family Of The Year - Loma Vista - 2012

Folk / Indie / Rock

01. The Stairs
02. Diversity
03. St. Croix
04. Buried
05. Hero
06. Everytime
07. Living On Love
08. Hey Ma
09. In The End
10. Never Enough
11. Find It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 15.07.12

Family Of The Year - Loma Vista - 2012

Folk / Indie / Rock

01. The Stairs
02. Diversity
03. St. Croix
04. Buried
05. Hero
06. Everytime
07. Living On Love
08. Hey Ma
09. In The End
10. Never Enough
11. Find It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 15.07.12

Family Of The Year - Loma Vista - 2012

Folk / Indie / Rock

01. The Stairs
02. Diversity
03. St. Croix
04. Buried
05. Hero
06. Everytime
07. Living On Love
08. Hey Ma
09. In The End
10. Never Enough
11. Find It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 15.07.12

Family Of The Year - Loma Vista - 2012

Folk / Indie / Rock

01. The Stairs
02. Diversity
03. St. Croix
04. Buried
05. Hero
06. Everytime
07. Living On Love
08. Hey Ma
09. In The End
10. Never Enough
11. Find It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Domingo, 15.07.12

Family Of The Year - Loma Vista - 2012

Folk / Indie / Rock

01. The Stairs
02. Diversity
03. St. Croix
04. Buried
05. Hero
06. Everytime
07. Living On Love
08. Hey Ma
09. In The End
10. Never Enough
11. Find It

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Quarta-feira, 06.06.12

Family Of The Year - Diversity EP - 2012

Indie / Pop / Rock

01. Diversity
02. Diversity (Remix)
03. The Stairs
04. She Wants To Talk

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

Quarta-feira, 06.06.12

Family Of The Year - Diversity EP - 2012

Indie / Pop / Rock

01. Diversity
02. Diversity (Remix)
03. The Stairs
04. She Wants To Talk

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Setembro 2012